Scorn Review – Torn

I can’t think of anything more awkward than being a reviewer unsure about a game.  What use do you serve by preaching on a metaphorical fence?  Nothing, you might as well be a crazed lunatic screaming into the void about how the video game industry is marching to its own demise.  What title has sent… Continue reading Scorn Review – Torn

My Top Six of 2022

I am in a rebellious mood.  I toiled away at which games deserved my awards this year.  I found the task of narrowing it down to five to be nearly impossible.  Then it came to me.  This is my list.  Why am I shackling myself to an arbitrary number?  Adhering to conventional rules hasn’t made… Continue reading My Top Six of 2022

Sony Keeps the Long Tradition of Using Celebrities to Sell Video Games Alive

HEAR YE!!!  HEAR YE!!!  I stand before all of you, eager to discuss something near and dear to my heart: celebrities advertising video games.  The video game industry has had a long and proud history of having big names endorse their shiny new products.  Many believe, including myself, that making video games is just an… Continue reading Sony Keeps the Long Tradition of Using Celebrities to Sell Video Games Alive

Categorized as News, Opinion

My Top Five Games of 2021

As the cold month of January continues to linger onward, what more fitting way to celebrate the mundane than recall the games I enjoyed throughout the previous year.  As always this is my list and my list alone.  Also, I personally find it a bit crude to compare a shooter to an RPG, so I… Continue reading My Top Five Games of 2021

Categorized as Opinion