The End is Nigh Because of AI – A Story About Artificial Intelligence and Screenwriting

I woke to a sharp pain pounding in the back of my head.  I could feel the zip ties digging into the skin around my ankles and wrists.  I could hear what appeared to be the hum of an engine.  At the same moment, I was lightly tossed in the air and landed uncomfortably on… Continue reading The End is Nigh Because of AI – A Story About Artificial Intelligence and Screenwriting

Sony Keeps the Long Tradition of Using Celebrities to Sell Video Games Alive

HEAR YE!!!  HEAR YE!!!  I stand before all of you, eager to discuss something near and dear to my heart: celebrities advertising video games.  The video game industry has had a long and proud history of having big names endorse their shiny new products.  Many believe, including myself, that making video games is just an… Continue reading Sony Keeps the Long Tradition of Using Celebrities to Sell Video Games Alive

Categorized as News, Opinion

The End is Nigh … because of the Livestreams Replacing E3 2020

This article originally ran under a different banner/website in July of 2020 and is now being here re-uploaded for purposes of convenience and consolidation. Please enjoy. GATHER ROUND, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!  I HAVE A TREAT FOR YOU.  While E3 2020 is dead and buried, publishers still long to get us hyped for the latest round… Continue reading The End is Nigh … because of the Livestreams Replacing E3 2020

Detective Doomsayer and the Mystery of the Missing Mama

This article originally ran under a different banner/website in April of 2020 and is now being here re-uploaded for purposes of convenience and consolidation. Please enjoy. As the raindrops rattled against my window, I wondered how I was going to keep my head above the encroaching water.  The virus had swept through this God-forsaken town… Continue reading Detective Doomsayer and the Mystery of the Missing Mama