I can’t think of anything more awkward than being a reviewer unsure about a game. What use do you serve by preaching on a metaphorical fence? Nothing, you might as well be a crazed lunatic screaming into the void about how the video game industry is marching to its own demise. What title has sent… Continue reading Scorn Review – Torn
Author: Craig "Doomsayer" Gervais
My Top Six of 2022
I am in a rebellious mood. I toiled away at which games deserved my awards this year. I found the task of narrowing it down to five to be nearly impossible. Then it came to me. This is my list. Why am I shackling myself to an arbitrary number? Adhering to conventional rules hasn’t made… Continue reading My Top Six of 2022
The Quarry – Bad Dog, No Holiday Cheer for You
Isn’t the holiday season just the worst? All smiles and cheer. People ask if you will put this obscure indie game on your Game of the Year list. LISTEN BILLY, I am trying to pour through my back catalog. Please don’t add another game to my pile of shame. You know, this year overall was… Continue reading The Quarry – Bad Dog, No Holiday Cheer for You
The Callisto Protocol – Rotten to the Core
I feel like every critic at one point or another has made this analogy. It feels a bit cliche to reference Revenge of the Sith, but as I stare into my collector’s edition Callisto Protocol statue, the same rage and sadness that overtook Obi-wan washes over me. You were the chosen one, I yell at… Continue reading The Callisto Protocol – Rotten to the Core
Sony Keeps the Long Tradition of Using Celebrities to Sell Video Games Alive
HEAR YE!!! HEAR YE!!! I stand before all of you, eager to discuss something near and dear to my heart: celebrities advertising video games. The video game industry has had a long and proud history of having big names endorse their shiny new products. Many believe, including myself, that making video games is just an… Continue reading Sony Keeps the Long Tradition of Using Celebrities to Sell Video Games Alive
God of War (2018) Review – A Wishlist for Ragnarök
I nearly quit God of War within a few hours of starting the game. I don’t subscribe to the old notion that games get better after a certain amount of hours played. A turn-based JRPG doesn’t magically get better a hundred hours in if the first battle feels sluggish. I have squandered many hours trying… Continue reading God of War (2018) Review – A Wishlist for Ragnarök
Martha is Dead Review – Autopsy Report
I did it again. I put all my hope into an upcoming indie horror game all for said game to dash my hopes against the rocks like a ship lost at sea. I am a moth to the flame when it comes to horror titles: drawn to the dread and the fear only to get… Continue reading Martha is Dead Review – Autopsy Report
Inscryption Review – Blood, Bones, and Cards
An eerie creek echoes as a pair of eyes slowly open piercing through the dark. The whites of the eyes slowly move towards you sitting motionlessly. Shrouded in darkness, the owner of the eyes exclaims excitedly he hasn’t had a new challenger in ages. The menacing eyes explain a card game that requires you to… Continue reading Inscryption Review – Blood, Bones, and Cards
Horizon Zero Dawn – The Weight of the Open World
New year, new me for not only us individuals but for the games industry as well. By that, I mean the games industry will continue with the same bad habits it developed in past years. In this case, it will continue to vomit up open-world games at an alarming rate. As my eyes gaze at… Continue reading Horizon Zero Dawn – The Weight of the Open World
My Top Five Games of 2021
As the cold month of January continues to linger onward, what more fitting way to celebrate the mundane than recall the games I enjoyed throughout the previous year. As always this is my list and my list alone. Also, I personally find it a bit crude to compare a shooter to an RPG, so I… Continue reading My Top Five Games of 2021