Left 4 Dead 2 – Double Tap

This article originally ran under a different banner/website in April of 2020 and is now being here re-uploaded for purposes of convenience and consolidation. Please enjoy.

In a world consumed by a deadly virus, fear hangs over the human race like a thick fog.  The last remaining survivors take shelter.  Many huddle in their safehouses as the mindless wander the barren streets.  If one dared to venture out into the desolate streets, you would be able to hear the wind whisper through the once-mighty concrete jungle.  The last remnants of humanity roll through the streets like tumbleweeds.  The only sign of intelligent life is birds chirping off in the distance.  People fight over the last few remaining resources.  They become desperate and friends are at each other’s throats.  Enough about real life, let’s talk about Left 4 Dead 2.    

MY LOYAL FOLLOWERS, lend me your ears.  While it might seem like we all awoke in the reality of Resident Evil, I vow to turn these troubling times into something positive.  With all this free time, I aim to take advantage of being forced to stay indoors to play more games.  More games mean more reviews.  I cannot think of a more timely review than a Left 4 Dead 2 review, as our future may look something like the Left 4 Dead universe.    

The permanence of Left 4 Dead 2 is simple: survive the zombie apocalypse.  You and three other players must traverse maze-like streets and paths to reach the end of the level while avoiding the undead looking for their next meal.  A simple concept that would leave people wondering why this 2009 title still has a cult following.  In Valve’s trademark style, the small little details Valve has given Left 4 Dead 2 help it keeps its charm despite its age.  From the B-movie posters at the start of the match to a dedication screen at the end for players who died, Left 4 Dead games have always felt like a playable version of Zombieland movies.     

Your four playable characters also have some unique personalities.  Our four unfortunate souls are ex-football coach Coach, redneck Ellis, Scarface-wannabe Nick, and sassy Rochelle.  While these characters could just be bland cardboard cutouts, the banter between them helps flesh them out.  From Coach and Ellis bonding over using a famous race car driver’s car to Coach mocking Ellis for not being tall enough to go on a ride at the abandoned amusement park, these characters feel increasingly more human as you spend time with them.    

The stars of the show, in my opinion, are the special infected zombies.  While Left 4 Dead 2 boasts a massive horde of regular zombies, the special infected are there to flip the script.  Much like the classes in Team Fortress 2, each special infected sports its own distinct silhouette allowing players to make quick decisions in dealing with them.  However, don’t take special infected lightly; they are well equipped with their own way to wreak havoc.  While capable of being taken down by coordinated groups, the special infected have their own ways of punishing bold or selfish players.  You either work as a team or die as a group of individuals.

The Hunter is sporting a dark black hoodie and almost cat-like prowl.  While most likely a back-alley mugger before the infection, the Hunter continues to excel at picking off stragglers.  If one would venture off on their own, to scout ahead or pick up items, the Hunter will be there to punish headstrong players.  

The Smoker is a long lanky fellow who could see standing in the smoking section in his previous life.  Upon death, the smoker leaves a thick black smoke in their wake, dawning the name The Smoker.  Much like the Hunter, they excel at picking off stragglers.  Fall too far behind and the Smoker’s long tongue will wrap around you, dragging you further away from the team.

While appearing to not be the most physically imposing, The Boomer, is still one of the most deadly special infected.  Having been guilty of gluttonous acts in its previous life, the bloated Boomer is capable of puking a vile liquid onto players that obscures their vision and attracts a horde of zombies.  I have seen entire runs ruined by a Boomer hiding in a dark corner and puking on the whole group.  

With the appearance of a teenage girl amidst puberty, the Spitter is this long lengthy zombie looking to play a deadly game of the floor is lava.  The Spitter will spit this noxious acid, that can eat away at your life total if you dare stand in it.  While she seems harmless, the Spitter can easily make a bad situation worse.  If you are already dealing with a horde of zombies, a Spitter can force you to frantically run dead into the mass of zombies.

While people may dismiss his oafish appearance, a well-timed Charger can disrupt a team.  Sporting country-style overalls and a massive right arm, the Charger will barrel down into a group hoping to separate someone from their team.  Like many of the special infected, the Charger can easily create chaos and separate less coordinated groups.  

The Jockey is an agent of chaos.  This small manky zombie wants nothing more than to jump onto a player and ride them into a horde of zombies.  While one might think the Jockey is a weaker version of the Hunter, more panic can arise from the Jockey forcing a team member into a pack of zombies or worse a Witch.

One of the most iconic special infected to the Left 4 Dead 2 universe is the Witch.  With a sickly pale body hunched over balling her eyes out, the best strategy with dealing with the Witch is not dealing with the Witch.  She will usually remain docile, but step too close and she will become enraged.  Charging at players with vicious speed, she will down players instantly and start shredding your health.  Unfortunately, sometimes she will be blocking your path and the best plan is to bite the bullet and unload into her.  

Finally, arguably the final boss, The Tank.  This brute is your stereotypical zombie on steroids.  He hurls rocks, he’ll bring his mighty fist down onto your face, and soak up an ungodly amount of bullets before falling over in defeat.  If players are lucky, they will only counter the Tank a couple of times in a run.  He is the fire that boys walk into and walk out of as men.  

I am starting to find games that provide distinct enemies, like Doom and Dead Space, are sure a joy to play.  With a simple arena and a handful of enemies, my brain immediately starts racing as a plan begins to form.  Take out the enemies that can spawn more enemies like Boomers.  Avoid enemy traps like the Spitters.  Quickly dispatch the dangerous fragile enemies like Hunters and Jockeys before moving onto bullet spongey Tanks.  It baffles me that more shooters don’t utilize this form of enemy design especially since it makes them more memorable.  I recall more moments from the few rounds of Left 4 Dead 2 than I can from the whole Wolfenstein series, despite spending more time with them last year.    

What also helps players plan ahead is the sound design.  Each special infected has its own unique sound that you can listen for.  From the furious roar of the Hunter, to the pained groans of the Boomer, to the cackling of the Jockey,  you will find yourself trying to spot enemies’ calls over the chatter of teammates.  Your team will go deadly silent when the Witch or Tank music kicks in.  I am sure many Left 4 Dead veterans are hearing that music as we speak.  The horrific wailing that accompanies the Witch as she sits motionless, makes her presence all that more ominous.  Nothing will fill a Left 4 Dead veteran with fear than hearing those blaring horns signifying the Tank is barring down on them.  Even just traversing the calmer parts of a level can be accompanied by some eerie music that feels right at home in the calmer parts of a horror film.      

The most outlandish part of Left 4 Dead 2 is it can still remain tense even while your friends are cracking jokes.  Many co-op horror games fail to keep the game tense but Left 4 Dead 2 perfectly walks that line between empowering and disempowering players.  While there are four of you, armed to the teeth and sporting supportive tools like health packs and explosives, resources are limited.  Naturally, leading to some players acting selfishly with resources.  Proving, again, the true monsters in the zombie apocalypse are the humans.  Even with a team you trust, the thought of walking into an ambush can be tense.  Just as you begin to argue with friends, a special infected will enter the fray to the horrid screams of the players.    

With solid gameplay and the proper sprinkling of story, Left 4 Dead 2 must be celebrated in the gaming community.  Well, while I don’t know anyone who hates the Left 4 Dead series, it is hard to say it has remained in popularity.  Being a nearly ten-year-old game means people have plenty of opportunities to pour through the content Left 4 Dead 2 has.  With its twelve maps, six of them belonging to the original Left 4 Dead, it is safe to say, people have rung most of the life out of Left 4 Dead 2.  You can only run through the same abandoned amusement park so many times before it starts becoming routine. Merely destined for cult appeal since Valve stopped updating it.  While I don’t think Left 4 Dead needs to be a live service, some additional maps would not be amidst. 

ALAS, MY LOYAL FOLLOWERS, I BELIEVE NOW IS THE TIME FOR LEFT 4 DEAD 2 TO RISE FROM THE ASHES!!!  I am willing to bet the last time you dusted off this classic was a couple of years ago.  We do not abandon classic books or movies because we have experienced them before.  You return to them when the time is right.  What time could not be more perfect than the current climate forcing us to stay inside and isolating ourselves?  The classic co-op Left 4 Dead 2 will allow you to keep in touch with friends and family even while keeping our distance.  If the apocalypse does happen, you will know which of your friends will share resources and which will horde all the first aid kits.

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